How to turn your business into a money-making machine.
It's difficult enough to run a business with money, let alone when you’re chasing after receivables
Cashflow is always the topic. Whatever business size you are, you need cashflow so you can take care of what you need to take care of and sometimes you’re waiting for cash to come in over long periods of time.
There are those obligations that are due, repeatedly and regularly without fail. Maybe you’re operating off some line of credit and it's been racking up and racking up and racking up.
You're paying out for all these different things, be it materials, supplies, inventory, or equipment needs. You finally get this big influx of cash and you compress that line of credit down, only to find yourself starting the cycle over again.
You seem to be getting bigger…
But you're still chasing that cash flow machine.
That's what happens for a lot of businesses.
There's a way that we go about managing cash in the business. And we want to share with you our inspiration for how we created that and how that's been going.
Listen to find out how we've been doing it.
Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine: https://amzn.to/38ygCXM
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Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash Book: https://www.wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/byobbook
The Case for IBC by Robert Murphy, Carlos Lara & R. Nelson Nash: https://www.wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/CaseForIBC
The And Asset by Caleb Guilliams:
Documentary Film This is Nelson Nash: https://www.wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/nelsonfilm
💸 Financial Advisor? Learn about the Infinite Banking Concept here: Nelson Nash Institute Practitioner Program: https://infinitebanking.org/practitioners-program/ref/6/
EVA – Economic Value Add The Real Key To Creating Wealth Article: https://infinitebanking.org/the-real-key-to-creating-wealth/ref/6/